Deep blog fishing.
Author: EldridHey.
I'm not dead, but almost.
Author: Eldrid
Hey, I'm still alive! I know you guys must hate that (haha). I could not be bothered to conjour up entries just to give you people something to do. You guys should go out and have fun, not sit in front of a screen and read about my useless, uneventful and boring life . (*shudder, abit too emo) Anyway, apparently my cousin still visits my blog on occasion and I want to thank him by giving him something to read. So for all those who did not believe that I would still update the blog, screw you, cause you won't be reading this anyway. (If you are, I did not type the line before this, sorry)
Now on to why I'm almost dead. I've been sick since tuesday, those in my class would know I left school early to ge home and rest. Then, I had slight fever, a really bad headache and soar throat. It went on for two days, then it became worse. I had worse soar throat and nose blocks all at once. Then it continued for another 2 days and now I have a bad cough and soar throat. The weather is cruel, I blame the guy in charge. Since I was sick for the entire holiday, I did not get any work done. I feel better today so I'm going to chiong liao. But let me watch a little youtube first. -.-"
On the bright side though, I've gotten some new stuff. I bought a pair of new shoes and 2 new CDs - Dream Theater's Falling into Infinity and that Maroon 5 one. Great stuff. Although since the M5 cd was made in Singapore, the reproduction of sound is absolute rubbish, but hey, I got it for free so I'm not complaining. (*You've now dozed off) Oh, and my laptop got a RAM upgrade and I formatted the hardisk for good measure. Great speed now, almost as fast as a tortise with a broken leg and a blindfold on.
Now on to food. Yesterday when I went out with a friend to Vivo, I had to eat lunch there so I went to Carl's Junior. OMFG! The prices are outrageous! It's like handing over ransom money for release of your meal! Yes the portions are quite large but I get much better value for money at BK. If you haven't been there go and try it once. The food is alright and the service, sub-standard but the portions are enormous. After that, don't ever go back there again. I would only do that if I ran out of cash and have to use NETS. That's right, they accept NETS.
Alright I've done what I needed to do. The next post will come later today or tomorrow and I'll try to include photos. Meanwhile, here are 2 funny as hell videos:
Rant Over
Latest Audio Upgrade!
Author: Eldrid
2 weeks ago, I bidded on ebay for a "15 Years old, PCDP with Heat resistant body". And I won! Woot! Anyway, it cost me 30 smackers. You might be thinking, "what's the use of such an old player?" Well, let me explain. When you buy a high-end portable cd player, it'll cost you at least $200-300 for one with a line-out. Moreover all of the new PCDPs are made in china, not Japan. Also for $200-300, you are actually paying for miniturization, not quality. Also this player in the past would cost around $400. Great deal! Trust me, after you hear this, you'll throw away your mp3 player! lol. Now, on to my "portable" Rigs. I have 3 mp3 players in rotation. A Ipod 5g 30gb, a Zen Vision: M 30gb and a Ipod suffle 1gb. For school use, I usually hook my Koss KSC75(Modded) to my Ipod shuffle. But if I'm carrying a bag while going out, I'll take my full rig out which include my Ultimate Ears 5 Pro, a Cadas interconnect cable, a Go-vibe portable amplifier and any mp3 player. Phew, I know you guys will not be interested until I let you listen to it. lol. Just lookie at the pics. My slightly cheaper audio collection, including the all mighty ibuds... >.<"
Some pics: Not the best looking PCDP ever, but it serves its purpose and is doing a great job!
Well, I guess it's time for me to show you guys my hobby, which is being an audiophile/headphile. First off, I started this hobby late last year, in August. I started investing in headphones, High-end headphones. NOT BOSE! I know that is what you are thinking. I'll let you in on a little something. BOSE, in the audiophile community, is an the short form of "Buy Other Sound Equipment"!! They advertise with great speaker brands and built a fan base by creating speakers which just look good. Ok, enough with the bashing lets go to the pics!Ok, This is my room's "Media Table" on it you can see my amps, speakers, TV, headphones and my laptop. [Note, boring stuff, reading this is optional] The setup you see before you is a NAD 3020i Integrated being used as a pre-amplifier which is used to amplify the volume of the source i.e. the player. The amp is then connected to a Denon PMA-880r power amplifier which powers the speakers, a pair of budget Tannoy Mercury M2's. The xbox makes a great CD player. lol.
The "transportable" home Rig.
Everything is in a mess...
The Ultimate Ears 5 pros.... Nice...
Alrighty, sorry if I bored you to death, but this is my hobby. "The audio bit, not the boring people to death bit"
Rant Over
Good Day, Eldrid
Swimming at Aidan's
Author: Eldrid
Pardon the short length of the text in this post. I'm really tired after the 3 hours swim. But I don't think you'll read everything anyway since you guys should be more interested in pretty pictures. :P
Anyway, the story goes like this: Yesterday, my cousin and I were out together to do some shopping, then we decided to go to Jurong for a swim. But we lost track of time at Plaza Singapura so it would be impossible for me to make it back in time for my A-math tuition. We then decided to give Aidan a call, to see if we could drop by his pool for a swim. He permitted. But I did not bring my camera yesterday so no photos. Sorry.
Then today, Aidan invited us back to his place for a swim. So here are some photos.
In case you guys don't know, the guy swimming is a Aidan. The other is my cousin.
My cousin had so much fun, he'd rather stay than go for a free movie with his friends. Totally unlike the Felix I know. I have a photo of me, but I looked like crap. No chance of me putting it online. lol.
Anyway, on a side note, Aidan and I got a haircut today at Tiong's Supercut. I'd totally recommend it. Men's cut is 18 bucks. It includes a soap'n wash, a message while soaping, the cut, a wash again, then styling. Aidan look so much better now. No more Bruce Lee hair for him!
But before that, we went for lunch at "Jack's Place" in Great World City. The student meal there is terrible! Don't order that tasteless crap. The picture is decieving.
Aidan and I had Beef stroganoff with speghetti which in Jack's is just a fancy way of saying "tasteless crap". Service was terrible as well. Apparently they need more staff. They even asked us to consider working there part-time. Word of advice: Don't Ever Do It!

Ok, I'm going to bed.
Rant Ove...
Wait, I have one more thing to say. To those who are also against the spammer in the tag board, I thank you. But refrain from calling me a great drummer, or "best drummer in school". I don't think I am at that level yet. Moreoever it might cause people to think I'm arrogant or egotistical. Thanks.
Rant Over
Good Day, Eldrid
The 1st Official Update
Author: Eldrid

As you can see from the picture above, it was really dark and my lights aren't working. Great thing they're so many headlamps of cars to lead the way.... Anyway, that picture above was taken about 10 minutes into the ride from Bukit Merah, where I live. Nothing out of the ordinary happened during the ride there. In fact it was so smooth, I reached Great World in 15 mintues. (A great accomplishment for somebody my size).
I got there and parked up:

On to the trip back. The trip back was mostly uphill, so this pic of a snail I found at the side of Great World City, is pretty much the perfect simile to describe my speed back home. I took 20 minutes! But halfway back, a kid on a "stunt bike" decided he could out ride me.... So he overtook me when I was peddling slowly but as soon as I saw his smug little face staring at me, I chased after him at full force. At a point I was so close to him, he had to swerve out of my way in order to prevent an accident.
Happy reading, and comment.
Rant Over
Good Day, Eldrid
Official 2nd Post *3rd if you're counting
Author: Eldrid
Why is that?
Is it because I am te drummer in question?
[Spamer] as IT conveniently names itself, thinks that I'm a bad drummer.
Now how did it arrive at such a conclusion?
Does it even know anything about drumming?
I doubt it has seen me play.
A message to Mr/s. Spamer, don't spam. It's iritating and childish. Stop being infantile. I'm giving you the respect you so do not deserve but don't push it.
Rant over
Good day, Eldrid.
2nd post, well a 1.5 actually.
Author: Eldrid
Hm... I haven't told anyone about this blog since I'm still refining the little details. But they're done! I'm happy, and sleepy. Hope you guys er... like it? Whatever. :P
Good day, Eldrid.