I'm not dead, but almost.

Author: Eldrid

Hey, I'm still alive! I know you guys must hate that (haha). I could not be bothered to conjour up entries just to give you people something to do. You guys should go out and have fun, not sit in front of a screen and read about my useless, uneventful and boring life . (*shudder, abit too emo) Anyway, apparently my cousin still visits my blog on occasion and I want to thank him by giving him something to read. So for all those who did not believe that I would still update the blog, screw you, cause you won't be reading this anyway. (If you are, I did not type the line before this, sorry)

Now on to why I'm almost dead. I've been sick since tuesday, those in my class would know I left school early to ge home and rest. Then, I had slight fever, a really bad headache and soar throat. It went on for two days, then it became worse. I had worse soar throat and nose blocks all at once. Then it continued for another 2 days and now I have a bad cough and soar throat. The weather is cruel, I blame the guy in charge. Since I was sick for the entire holiday, I did not get any work done. I feel better today so I'm going to chiong liao. But let me watch a little youtube first. -.-"

On the bright side though, I've gotten some new stuff. I bought a pair of new shoes and 2 new CDs - Dream Theater's Falling into Infinity and that Maroon 5 one. Great stuff. Although since the M5 cd was made in Singapore, the reproduction of sound is absolute rubbish, but hey, I got it for free so I'm not complaining. (*You've now dozed off) Oh, and my laptop got a RAM upgrade and I formatted the hardisk for good measure. Great speed now, almost as fast as a tortise with a broken leg and a blindfold on.

Now on to food. Yesterday when I went out with a friend to Vivo, I had to eat lunch there so I went to Carl's Junior. OMFG! The prices are outrageous! It's like handing over ransom money for release of your meal! Yes the portions are quite large but I get much better value for money at BK. If you haven't been there go and try it once. The food is alright and the service, sub-standard but the portions are enormous. After that, don't ever go back there again. I would only do that if I ran out of cash and have to use NETS. That's right, they accept NETS.

Alright I've done what I needed to do. The next post will come later today or tomorrow and I'll try to include photos. Meanwhile, here are 2 funny as hell videos:

Rant Over


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