Swimming at Aidan's

Author: Eldrid

Pardon the short length of the text in this post. I'm really tired after the 3 hours swim. But I don't think you'll read everything anyway since you guys should be more interested in pretty pictures. :P

Anyway, the story goes like this: Yesterday, my cousin and I were out together to do some shopping, then we decided to go to Jurong for a swim. But we lost track of time at Plaza Singapura so it would be impossible for me to make it back in time for my A-math tuition. We then decided to give Aidan a call, to see if we could drop by his pool for a swim. He permitted. But I did not bring my camera yesterday so no photos. Sorry.

Then today, Aidan invited us back to his place for a swim. So here are some photos.

In case you guys don't know, the guy swimming is a Aidan. The other is my cousin.

My cousin had so much fun, he'd rather stay than go for a free movie with his friends. Totally unlike the Felix I know. I have a photo of me, but I looked like crap. No chance of me putting it online. lol.

Anyway, on a side note, Aidan and I got a haircut today at Tiong's Supercut. I'd totally recommend it. Men's cut is 18 bucks. It includes a soap'n wash, a message while soaping, the cut, a wash again, then styling. Aidan look so much better now. No more Bruce Lee hair for him!

But before that, we went for lunch at "Jack's Place" in Great World City. The student meal there is terrible! Don't order that tasteless crap. The picture is decieving.

Aidan and I had Beef stroganoff with speghetti which in Jack's is just a fancy way of saying "tasteless crap". Service was terrible as well. Apparently they need more staff. They even asked us to consider working there part-time. Word of advice: Don't Ever Do It!

Wei Cheng "rushed" through his meal as he needed to get back to school for band. We finished eating before him though. Hiaz, typical WC style.

Ok, I'm going to bed.

Rant Ove...
Wait, I have one more thing to say. To those who are also against the spammer in the tag board, I thank you. But refrain from calling me a great drummer, or "best drummer in school". I don't think I am at that level yet. Moreoever it might cause people to think I'm arrogant or egotistical. Thanks.

Rant Over

Good Day, Eldrid


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